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Is EMDR Therapy Right for You?

Is EMDR Therapy Right for You?

by Tania Feres

EMDR is a type of trauma therapy that helps to reprocess disturbing memories that are not stored appropriately in the brain.

5 Goals of the EMDR Therapy:

  1. To reprocess memories which are the basis of current problems
  2. To eliminate dysfunctional memory networks
  3. To achieve the most effective treatment effects while maintaining your safety
  4. To bring satisfaction in your life
  5. To incorporate needed skills, behaviors, and beliefs about yourself and others (Shapiro, 2018)

Ways that EMDR can help you:

  1. EMDR works by stimulating your brain in ways that lead it to process unprocessed or unhealed memories or events.
  2. EMDR can be an effective treatment for post-traumatic stress.
  3. EMDR can help you identify one memory you had that was causing a blocking belief so it can be processed.

Como o EMDR pode te ajudar?

O modelo terapêutico EMDR é uma abordagem que parece desbloquear o processamento cerebral para que as memórias traumáticas se tornem memórias normais.

Não sabemos exatamente como o tratamento funciona. Os movimentos oculares parecem ajudar a processar o material inconsciente não processado.

5 Metas da terapia EMDR:

  1. Reprimir memorias que estao na base dos problemas atuais
  2. Para eliminar disfuncao das redes de memoria
  3. Para alcançar os efeitos de tratamento mais eficazes, mantendo sua seguranca.
  4. Para trazer satisfacao em sua vida
  5. Para incorporar as habilidades, comportamentos e crencas necessaries sobre voce e os outros (Shapiro, 2018).

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